Euonymus |
Common Name: Burning Bush
Our Euonymus are rooted in the early to mid summer. We stick a 4-6" cutting and they are usually on their own roots in about 6 weeks. Our two year plants are left in the bed for a second year. Our rooted cutting grade is single stem, 3-6" tall, with a mass of fine fibrous roots. Our two year grades have begun to branch.
Euonymus alata 'Compacta' (Zone 4) Burning Bush. Compact, slow grower with corky winged branches. Brilliant red fall color. RC .............................................................. Photo! 2 yr. BG 6"-9" .......................................... Photo! 2 yr. BG 9"-15" ........................................ Photo! Euonymus alata 'Little Moses'® (Zone 4) PP# 13168. Introduced by Odom Nursery, McMinnville, Tennessee. A slow growing dense mounding form with smaller leaves. In 17 years, 42" tall and 40" wide. No seed observed in 17 years. RC (Includes Royalty) .............................. 2 yr. BG (Includes Royalty) ..................... Photo! |